Thursday, May 2, 2013

Desert Diaries

There he is, the man behind the camera. Finally caught while hiking in Sedona... one of my favorite trips we've had yet. 
Here it is- the latest of mine and Steve's desert dwelling adventure. Oh how I miss it already...

(Shorts- Levi's cut offs, Tee- Unif, Cardi- H&M, Flannel- Urban Renewal, Backpack- FreePeople)

Photos by Steve Schuitt 


Monday, March 4, 2013

Rock & Troll

 Finally, another post... but what else is new. I feel like lately it's been so cold that I can barely put a creative outfit together when getting ready every morning. Blahhhh... so I've been spicing up my life with a slew of graphic tees and layers to get through these cold months. What else is new? Well guess what guys, yours truly has her own store as a Visual Merchandiser for Urban. That's right.. hard work pays off for sure. Til next time XO

Shirt//Unif, Skirt//American Apparel, Hat//Free People, Bralette//Brandy Melville, Sunglasses//Vintage Gucci, Leather Jacket//Thrifted, Cuff//Vanessa Mooney

Photos by Steve Schuitt

Friday, January 25, 2013

Silver Sun

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is me on one of the finest days in January I have seen yet. It's been a pretty awesome month... for one the holidays are over, life can once again go on free of chaos. Then there was my birthday earlier this month, which consisted of me drinking it up and waking up hung over just to do it for 4 straight days with family and friends. What more could a girl ask for? And Steve surprised me with some new Vanessa Mooney jewels which I am wearing here. Now that things have wound down we went for a walk to our favorite spot and got the last of golden hour. I'm in love with her new spring collection too.

(Silver necklace & Eagle & studded rings- Vanessa Mooney, Rosary & Midi ring- Free People, Cage ring- Nasty Gal, Boots- Freebird, Shorts- Levi's cut offs, Blouse- Staring at Stars from UO, Jacket- Forever 21, Hat- Rag & Bone, Sunglasses- Gucci Vintage, Watch- Marc Jacobs) 

Photos by Steve Schuitt